Belgium ∣ Ghent ∣ Tajo
TAJO vzw is a non-profit organisation that provides experience- based interactive workshops on Saturday for teenagers (10-14 years old) with a vulnerable background.
The objective of TAJO is to create opportunities for these children to develop their talents. Through the workshops they want (1) to motivate children by giving them a glimpse into what "later" has in store so that theybetter understand the importance of "doing your best for later”, and (2) to give participating children a broad view on society, to support them in the development of a positive self-image and to live their dreams. Tajo collaborates with professional experts from different fields, including the music and education sector.
Poland ∣ Katowice ∣ Dom Dziecka w Orzeszu
The orphanage “Dom Dziecka w Orzeszu” in Katowice takes full care of 30 children from 5 to 19.
Through its work, the orphanage tries to minimize the effects of the inappropriate environment to which children were exposed. Great emphasis is placed on the cooperation with biological families, trying to increase parents' responsibility for their children. As such, parents are invited to the facility and encouraged to contact children in their homes (if the Court allows such contacts).
Cyprus ∣ Kofinou ∣ Primary school
The Kofinou primary school is a small public school in Kofinou - a village in Larnaca district, with a current population of 93 children, from 6 to 12 years old. It offers a voluntary afternoon program with educational assistance and a variety of extracurricular activities. In the same area, there is the Kofinou Reception and Accomodation Center for Applicants for International Protection (asylum). The school hosts the children from the center with the majority of them following the afternoon program. It also takes part in the action program (ΔΡΑ.Σ.Ε.) from the Cyprus Ministry of Education aiming on social inclusion and integration in school.